Not Making Architecture

Not Making


Professor: Hernan Diaz Alonso

Assistant Teacher: Rachael McCall

Class: SCI-Arc - Spring 2020- Vertical Studio

Team: Yibo Qiao


Architecture exists in a permanent state of crisis, trapped between the desire of something new and almost automatic impossibility of such an endeavor. Boxed in by topology, disciplinary knowledge, historic precedents, etc. It seems like we are not capable of creating anything innovative enough without breaking this cycle. Maybe the way to go around this, is to think of not making architecture, but making free associations, like a jam session. By dangling ourselves in other medium of aesthetic, design and predictions, we could set up a path of radical newness. It might seem that this view is filled with negativity, on the contrary, the work proposes to examine the basic reasons why design is the sum of all humanistic activities. It seek to understand the potential in the search for originality and how the unconventional has the ability to excite us all.


“I had come to the point where I was feeling that I couldn’t create anything new without radically changing my thinking. I felt that the only way to make something new was to not set out to make clothes.”

— Rei Kawakubo


Urban Waterfront


Flowing Interspace