Flowing Interspace

Physical and visual connections through different levels

Can architecture bring people together?

Professor: Il Kim

Class: Auburn University - Spring 2019- B. Architecture

Location: Ayoyama, Tokyo


Architecture has the possibility to stimulate and refresh people’s mind. Architecture also has a natural to bring people together. The purpose of the design is to encourage people moving through the space, and also slow people down and think. The difference of the gallery creates a hierarchy. The experience is not just moving from one gallery to another gallery, it is a whole experience with different scale and shape of spaces.

The art work in the gallery also need to work with the fluidity of the space. These different shape and scale of galleries float in different levels, and people need to move through different levels. Different floor heights have the opportunity to use compression and release to enhance the experience.

Different scale of galleries connect visually and physically.

Different scale of galleries connect visually and physically.

Galleries interlock with each other.

Galleries interlock with each other.

Promenade through spaces in different floor height.

Promenade through spaces in different floor height.

Ramp stimulates people to move through spaces.

Ramp stimulates people to move through spaces.

The diagram explain the circulation through levels.

The diagram explain the circulation

Galleries connect physically

Northeast street perspective shows the facade at daytime

Northeast street perspective shows the facade at daytime

Southeast street perspective shows the facade at nighttime

Southeast street perspective shows the facade at nighttime


Not Making Architecture


Neural Network In Architecture