Fuzzy Aggregate

A synthesis of the disparate elements

Balance between parts and whole

Professor: Marcelo Spina

Assistant Teacher: Laure Michelon

Class: SCI-Arc - Fall 2019- MS. Architectural Technologies

Team: Yibo Qiao, Yilin Tsai


The concept of the project is to create a aggregate which is made by a synthesis of the disparate elements. The aggregate is defined by a degree of consistency and also the disparate elements can be distinguished. The project start with slicing the building located at DTLA and aggregates them together. The early result shows a strong idea of industrial and machinery, which is the main character to unify the parts together.

One of the building is the Bonaventure hotel. This is one of the iconic building in DTLA. The building is quite prime. The aggregation reformulate this landmark in another oblique way.

Parts of the synthesized collection

Parts of the synthesized collection

There are different ways to cut the building. It could be by function, by floor, or just Boolean out a cube. Different options bring a huge range of collections, which have potential for the aggregates. 3D scans are done with Agisoft.

3D Scan of FILD Library
3D Scan of FILD Library
3D Scan of Times Building
3D Scan of Times Building
Reflection detail on the façade

Reflection detail on the façade

One of the design criteria is the connection to the ground. The project slightly touch the ground, and the curve of the profile line continues with the oblique arm. All the parts from Bonaventure Hotel connects physically in the way that show the character of movement.

Elevation shows the “mouth” towards the highway

Elevation shows the “mouth” towards the highway


Urban Waterfront